Saturday, September 24, 2005

Village people.

Steven, our washer repair man. We imagine that we will keep him busy. Not because of all our laundry, but because our washer is very old.
Don and his friend Neville. Don lives in Toucarie, but Neville lives in a nearby village.
Curtis and Andrew. They caught an iguana and were showing it off to us. The iguana did not look happy.
Kerry and Don. These two kids are some of the nicest in our village.
Don playing marbles on the veranda. All of these people come and visit us every now and then.
Kubuli. This is what the villagers drink here. It is brewed in Dominica and its name is short for Waitikubuli, the original Carib name for Dominica. Waitikubuli means "tall is her body", which refers to the tall mountains here on the island.


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