Saturday, November 04, 2006

Misc. Pictures.

Katie celebrated her 25th birthday on November 3rd. Jamie and Cathy made this Happy Birthday sign for her.
Daniel had a party for Katie. They had the day off of school because it is also the day that Dominica become independent from France and Britain.
It was nice that she had the day off, but it was spent studying for her upcoming test.
Cathy took this picture of Daniel swinging from a rope that was tied to a tall palm tree at Purple Turtle Beach.
Rainbows are almost a daily occurence here in Dominica.
We went hiking on the Syndicate Nature Trail in search of parrots with our friends Alicia, John, and Cathy.
Here are some of the people that are involved with Ross Christian Fellowship, the church that we attend on campus.
Sunset photos...

Katie stands near the trail down to Chaudiere Pool, with Morne Diablotin in the background.
This was Ava's second time at Chaudiere Pool. Daniel has lost count on how many times he has been here. It is a great spot.
A certain type of hawk was spotted right outside our door on the palm branches.
The moths are fairly big here and have neat designs on them.
What the river looks like near our apartment after a hard rain.


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