Wednesday, November 30, 2005

November 30th.

Today marks the end of Dominica's hurricane season. Yeah!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Here you have evidence of our little one. The painting to the left is from a local Dominican artist. We bought this painting a few weeks ago for obvious reasons.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Katie's birthday party.

Katie and Jacque with our friend Kelly.
Daniel chopped open coconuts for the party. It was Jacque's idea to use them for drinks. Thanks Jacque.
These were fun to drink out of. We had pina coladas that night.
Daniel and Don. We celebrated Don's birthday as well. He was turning 9 years old.
Here are some of the people that we invited from the village. Don's mother is on the left.
Daniel with our friends Jeff and Kelly. Jeff, being a bartender back home, was in charge of the pina coladas.
Daron, Don, Brenton, and Lionel in their party hats. We bought these for the kids and they really liked them.
We all had a good time. Katie, Wes, and Jeff had taken a test earlier in the day, so it was nice for them to not have to study.
Katie shows the kids and Don's mom our website. They really enjoyed looking at the pictures.
Lionel and Kerry. These two are some of the older kids in the village. Thanks for the picture Jacque.
Daniel and the birthday girl.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Middleham Falls/Titou Gorge.

This way to Middleham Falls...the tallest of all the waterfalls on the island.
Daniel hiked to the falls with the spouse's group. The trip in took about 30-45 minutes and the hike wasn't too difficult.
Daniel standing in front of Middleham Falls.
This picture shows how tall the waterfall is, but even from this shot you can't see the whole thing.
Tall and pretty. The next stop on the trip was Titou Gorge. Filming for the Pirates of the Caribbean occurred right in the Gorge. We were standing and swimming where the actors had once been.
Titou Gorge. It doesn't look that impressive, but once you swim up through the Gorge (the dark area to the right), it is beautiful.

Don learns how to ride a bike.

Daniel helping Don keep his balance as he learns how to ride a bike.
Don's cousin, Kerry, runs alongside Don. All of these kids ask to borrow our bikes all of the time now.
Daniel with Don and his brother Daron.
A cool picture of Don with the sun setting behind him. His brother took this picture.
A group of village kids. They all love to have their picture taken.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Random pictures.

A crab emerges from its shell near Cabrits.
This is how Dominica gets its gasoline. You are not always guaranteed to get gas at the gas stations since they sometimes run out.
Clouds are almost always covering the mountain peaks on the island, usually receiving rain.
Don and his brother Daron, playing Mario Brothers on Daniel's computer.
This was found on Wes and Jacque's counter one night. Those aren't crumbs, that is dust from termites eating away at the ceiling.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Happy Birthday, Katie.

Katie celebrates her 24th birthday today. Happy Birthday, Katie!